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  2. News

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  3. Your visit

    1. Patient Portal
      1. Patient Portal FAQs
      2. Patient Portal videos
      3. Patient Portal providers
      4. Patient Portal case studies
    2. How to get here
      1. Getting to University Hospital Lewisham
      2. Getting to Queen Elizabeth Hospital
    3. Access to information
      1. Your rights under GDPR
      2. Privacy notice
      3. Website privacy policy
      4. Access to health and staff records
      5. Information about cookies
      6. Legal statement
    4. Visiting times
    5. Current visiting guidance
    6. Patient postcards
    7. Information for your visit to Outpatients
      1. Your appointment
      2. Communications needs
      3. Travelling to your appointment
      4. Help with travel costs
      5. Blue Badge parking for people with a disability
      6. Feedback for outpatients
      7. Being dropped off or collected?
      8. Patient transport service
      9. Medicines
      10. Entitlement to planned NHS hospital treatment
      11. No smoking
    8. Car parking
    9. Maps of our hospitals
    10. Shops and Facilities
      1. Facilities (inc' shops and pharmacies) at University Hospital Lewisham
      2. Facilities (inc' shops and pharmacies) at Queen Elizabeth Hospital
    11. Contact Details
      1. Contact University Hospital Lewisham
      2. Contact Queen Elizabeth Hospital
      3. Contact Lewisham Community Sites
    12. NHS Electronic Referral Service (e-RS)
    13. Patients who may be charged for NHS care
    14. Online payment
    15. Advice and Support
      1. Interpreting
      2. Questions to ask your doctor
      3. Patient transport
      4. For patients with disabilities
      5. Safeguarding
      6. Easy To Read Content
        1. Park Your Car at Queen Elizabeth Hospital
        2. Park Your Car at University Hospital Lewisham
        3. Say How You Were Treated
      7. Bereavement Services
        1. Bereavement Services at University Hospital Lewisham
        2. Bereavement Services at Queen Elizabeth Hospital
      8. Spiritual support
    16. Same-sex accommodation
    17. Sunflower lanyards for hidden disabilities
    18. Give Your Feedback
    19. Compliments and Concerns
  4. Performance

    1. Why choose us?
    2. Safer staffing
    3. Learning from deaths
  5. Give feedback

    1. Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
    2. NHS Friends and Family Test
    3. Your local Healthwatch
    4. Making a complaint
  6. Get involved

    1. Patient Participation Forum
    2. Public Voice Partners
    3. Become a volunteer
      1. Meet some of our fantastic Volunteers
    4. Youth Board
      1. Apply to our Youth Board
    5. Friends and Family Test
    6. Quality Improvement training for patients, carers and families
    7. Listening events
    8. Trust charity
    9. Work experience
    10. Forget-Me-Not
    11. Forever and Always
  7. Contacts

    1. Contact University Hospital Lewisham
    2. Social Media
    3. Contact Queen Elizabeth Hospital
    4. Contact Community Sites in Lewisham
  8. Kaleidoscope

    1. About us
    2. Services
      1. Child Death Review Team
      2. Community Paediatric Medical Team
      3. 0 -19 Public Health Service
        1. Start for Life
        2. Health Visiting
        3. School Health Service
          1. School Health Safeguarding Team
          2. Universal School Health and Screening Team
          3. HENRY Team
          4. Schools we work with
          5. Contact the School Health Service
            1. Headteacher Survey
            2. Parent survey
      4. Children Looked After (CLA)
      5. Children and Young People's Therapies
        1. Occupational Therapy
        2. Physiotherapy
        3. Speech and Language Therapy
      6. Children’s Community Nursing
    3. Training and courses
    4. Visiting Kaleidoscope
    5. Information and support
      1. Early Years
      2. School Age
    6. Meet members of our team
  9. Work with us

    1. Current vacancies
    2. Why join us?
    3. Careers at LGT
      1. Doctors and consultants
        1. International medical graduates
      2. Nursing and midwifery
        1. Return to nursing
        2. Overseas nurses and midwives
      3. Allied Health Professionals
      4. Healthcare sciences and pharmacy
      5. Administrators
      6. Working in the community
      7. Meet the team
        1. Working in occupational therapy
        2. Working in radiography
        3. Working as a play specialist
        4. Working as a healthcare assistant
        5. Working as a children's nurse
        6. Working in theatres UHL
        7. Working in theatres QEH
        8. Working in midwifery
    4. Recruitment process
    5. Rewards and recognition
    6. Wellbeing
      1. Flexible working
    7. Learning at LGT
      1. Apprenticeships
      2. Clinical Academy
      3. Leadership development
      4. Mentoring and coaching
      5. Structured Training and Education for Pharmacists (STEP)
    8. Bank and temporary working
    9. Work experience
    10. Equality, diversity and inclusion
  10. About us

    1. Our vision, values and priorities
    2. The Trust Board
      1. Board Members
      2. Board Papers
      3. Board Meetings
      4. Ask questions
        1. Questions asked by the public
      5. Youth Board
    3. Get to Know TeamLGT
    4. Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2024
    5. Trust documents
      1. Annual audit letter archive
      2. Annual reports and accounts archive
      3. Trust expenditure archive
    6. Freedom of Information
      1. FOI Disclosure Log
      2. Publication Scheme
    7. Electronic care records
    8. Armed forces veterans and reservists
    9. Freedom to Speak Up Guardians
    10. Managing our waiting lists
    11. Organ donation
    12. PSIRF: Patient Safety Incident Response Framework
    13. Population Health Management
    14. Sustainability and our Green Plan
    15. London Care Record
      1. London Care Record: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
    16. Equality
    17. Staff Awards
      1. Stardust Award - nominate LGT colleagues for an award
  11. Improvement Hub – Home

    1. Improvement and Transformation
      1. QI Tools and Resources
      2. QI Contacts
      3. Live QI projects at LGT
      4. About our training
        1. Book our QI training
      5. Newsletters
    2. Research and Development
    3. Innovations
    4. Population Health
    5. Clinical Audit
    6. IURP
    7. Learn from success
    8. Your ideas
  12. Services

    1. Children's Services
      1. Children's Assessment Unit
      2. Emergency Services
        1. Caring for your child after a febrile seizure
        2. Caring for your child after a head injury
      3. Day Care Unit
      4. Inpatient Services
        1. Inpatient Services in Lewisham
        2. Inpatient Services in Greenwich
      5. Neonatal Intensive Care
        1. Neonatal Intensive Care in Lewisham
        2. Neonatal Intensive Care in Greenwich
      6. Tiger Ward
      7. Outpatient Services
        1. Children's outpatient services in Lewisham
          1. Allergy
          2. Cardiology
          3. Diabetes
          4. Endocrinology
          5. Epilepsy
          6. Gastroenterology
          7. General medicine
          8. Haematology
          9. Neonatal Services
          10. Paediatric neurology
          11. Respiratory Services
          12. Rheumatology Services
          13. Surgery
          14. Tuberculosis
        2. Children's outpatient services in Greenwich
          1. Paediatric Epilepsy Service
      8. Children's community care
        1. Start for Life
        2. Dietitians
        3. SEND Children's Dietetic Service
        4. Family Nurse Partnership
        5. Children's HIV Services
        6. Multi Agency Planning Pathway
        7. Safeguarding
    2. A-Z of Services
    3. Clinical Support Services
      1. Blood Tests
        1. Book a blood test
        2. Blood Tests at University Hospital Lewisham
        3. Blood Tests at Queen Elizabeth Hospital
        4. Phlebotomy training course
      2. Infection control
        1. Infection control at University Hospital Lewisham
        2. Infection control at Queen Elizabeth Hospital
      3. Pathology
      4. Pharmacy
        1. Pharmacy at University Hospital Lewisham
        2. Pharmacy at Queen Elizabeth Hospital
      5. Radiology
        1. Radiology at University Hospital Lewisham
          1. DEXA Scanning
        2. Radiology at Queen Elizabeth Hospital
      6. Speech and Language Therapy
        1. Speech and Language Therapy at Queen Elizabeth Hospital
        2. Speech and Language Therapy in Lewisham
      7. Therapies
        1. Therapies at University Hospital Lewisham
          1. Inpatient Therapy
          2. Outpatient physiotherapy
          3. Private physiotherapy services
        2. Therapies at Queen Elizabeth Hospital
    4. Corporate Services
      1. Communications Department
      2. Design and Photography
      3. Procurement
      4. Library Services
        1. Join the Library
        2. Facilities
        3. E-resources
      5. Arts Connect
        1. Enhancing the healing environment
        2. Creative participation
        3. Music and performing arts
      6. Health and Safety
      7. Research and Development
        1. Taking part in research
        2. Setting up a study
        3. Improving performance
    5. Community Services
      1. Lewisham Community Falls Service
      2. Urgent Community Response (UCR) Service
      3. Heart Failure Community Team
      4. Adult Therapy Team (LATT)
      5. District Nursing
      6. CHANT
      7. Home Enteral Nutrition (HEN)
      8. Intermediate Care
      9. Bromley stroke rehabilitation team
    6. Elderly Care Services
    7. Emergency Services
      1. Ambulatory Care Centre
      2. Emergency Services in Lewisham
      3. Use the right service
      4. Emergency Services in Greenwich
        1. Urgent Care Centre at Queen Elizabeth
    8. Gynaecology Services
      1. Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit (EPAU)
        1. EPAU self-referral form
      2. Menopause clinics
      3. Urogynaecology services
      4. Recurrent Miscarriage
    9. Maternity Services
      1. Response to Ockenden Report
      2. Virtual tours
      3. Pregnant what next?
      4. Where to have my baby?
        1. Homebirth
        2. Delivery Suites
          1. Delivery Suite at University Hospital Lewisham
          2. Delivery Suite at Queen Elizabeth Hospital
        3. Birth Centres
          1. Lewisham Birth Centre
            1. Testimonies for the Lewisham Birth Centre
          2. Greenwich Birth Centre
      5. Antenatal Care
      6. After your baby is born
      7. Help and emotional support during pregnancy
      8. Feeding your baby
      9. Speak to a midwife
      10. Bereavement Team
      11. Information for dads and partners
      12. Who's who
      13. Pelvic health during and after pregnancy
    10. Medical Conditions
      1. Anticoagulant Clinics
        1. Anticoagulant Clinic at University Hospital Lewisham
        2. Anticoagulant Clinic at Queen Elizabeth Hospital
        3. Community Anticoagulation in Greenwich
      2. Bladder, bowel and pelvic services in Lewisham
      3. Breast Service
      4. Cancer
        1. Chemotherapy
        2. Bowel Cancer Screening
        3. Acute Oncology Services
        4. Living with and beyond cancer
          1. Outpatient appointments
          2. Open Access Clinics
          3. Macmillan Advice and Guidance Service
          4. Macmillan Psychological Support Team
            1. Patient stories - MaPS Service
          5. Macmillan Benefits Advice
          6. Managing cancer-related fatigue
          7. Managing side effects of cancer treatment
          8. Social prescribing
          9. Talking to friends and family
          10. Nutrition and eating well
          11. Moving more and keeping active
          12. Stop smoking
          13. Advance care planning
          14. Who's who and useful terminology
          15. Palliative care
          16. Resources and information
      5. Cardiology
        1. Cardiology in Lewisham
          1. Cardiac Nurse Specialist
        2. Cardiology at Queen Elizabeth Hospital
      6. Dermatology
      7. Diabetes
        1. Diabetes Services at Queen Elizabeth Hospital
        2. Diabetes Services in Lewisham
        3. DAFNE
      8. Endocrinology
        1. Endocrinology Services at Queen Elizabeth Hospital
      9. Gastroenterology
        1. Gastroenterology in Lewisham
        2. Gastroenterology at Queen Elizabeth Hospital
      10. Foot health
      11. Hepatology
        1. Hepatology in Lewisham
      12. MCAT Service
      13. Haematology
        1. Haematology in Lewisham
        2. Clinical Haematology at Queen Elizabeth Hospital
      14. Neurology
        1. Neurology in Lewisham
        2. Neurology at Queen Elizabeth Hospital
        3. Neurology at Queen Mary's in Sidcup
      15. Nutrition and dietetics
      16. Medical Admissions Unit
        1. Acute Medical Unit at Queen Elizabeth
      17. Medical Diagnostics Centre
      18. Orthotics
        1. Orthotics in Lewisham
        2. Orthotics at Queen Elizabeth Hospital
      19. Respiratory
        1. Respiratory Services at Queen Elizabeth Hospital
        2. Respiratory Services in Lewisham
          1. LEEP pulmonary rehabilitation
          2. Respiratory Nursing Team
        3. Respiratory Lab and Sleep Unit at Queen Elizabeth Hospital
      20. Urology
      21. Rheumatology
      22. Stroke and TIA
        1. Stroke and TIA Services in Lewisham
        2. Stroke and TIA Services at Queen Elizabeth Hospital
    11. Surgery and Critical Care
      1. Anaesthetics
        1. Anaesthetics at University Hospital Lewisham
        2. Anaesthetics at Queen Elizabeth Hospital
      2. Audiology
        1. Audiology in Lewisham
        2. Audiology in Sidcup
        3. Audiology in Woolwich
      3. Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery
        1. Bariatric Support Group
      4. Chronic Pain Service
        1. Centre for Active Lifestyle Management (CALM)
      5. Critical Care
        1. Critical Care at University Hospital Lewisham
        2. Critical Care at Queen Elizabeth Hospital
      6. Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)
        1. ENT in Lewisham
        2. ENT in Greenwich
        3. ENT in Sidcup
        4. Combined ENT and Dermatology
        5. One-stop Clinic for Neck Lumps
        6. Voice Clinic
      7. General Surgery
        1. General Surgery in Lewisham
        2. General Surgery in Greenwich
      8. Orthopaedics
        1. Orthopaedics in Lewisham
        2. Orthopaedics In Greenwich
      9. Theatres and Wards
        1. Theatres at University Hospital Lewisham
        2. Wards at University Hospital Lewisham
        3. Wards at Queen Elizabeth Hospital
      10. Vein Clinic (Vascular Services)
    12. End of Life Care
    13. Sexual health, contraception and HIV services
      1. Contraception
      2. Emergency advice
      3. HIV
        1. Change in the medical notes system for HIV Clinics
      4. PrEP/ PEP
      5. Sexual health