Trust documents

We publish a number of important documents throughout the year. Please click on the links below to access the documents you need:

Bribery Act

  • CE Statement - Bribery Act

Disciplinary Policy

Following the tragic death of Amin Abdullah [staff member at Imperial College NHS FT] in 2015 and with oversight from the Trust’s Respect, Compassion and Wellbeing Programme Board, the Trust undertook a detailed review of the:  Disciplinary Policy [pdf] 850KB to ensure that it promoted a culture of fairness and was in accordance with our values.

As a result of this commitment, significant improvements were made to our disciplinary procedures, all of which are underpinned by the revised Disciplinary Policy which was reviewed in partnership with staff-side colleagues to ensure it reflected our values and our commitment to making the Trust a great place to work, and met the recommendations as set out by NHSI. The Trust introduced a number of improvements in practice including:

  • A pre-disciplinary decision tree checklist (modelled on just culture methodology) to ensure all formal investigations are proportionate to the concerns identified and only when all alternatives have been fully considered
  • A service level agreement with defined roles, responsibilities including in relation to the health and wellbeing of the affected employee
  • Defined timeframes for the completion of investigations, with performance being regularly reviewed against this SLA. The average length of time taken to resolve a case has now been halved
  • Training for line managers leading on internal investigations
  • Support for staff going through a disciplinary process which includes access to the Employee Assistance Programme, pastoral support, regular updates and Occupational Health if required.  
  • Sharing anonymised disciplinary outcomes with staff

We remain committed to achieving the overriding objective of enabling a fair, respectful and compassionate culture, and protecting the safety and wellbeing of our staff. We are seeking to continuously improve our processes in response to feedback and learning from best practice.”

Trust Expenditure

As part of the government’s commitment to improve the transparency of how public funds are used, NHS bodies are required to publish all expenditure over £25,000.

Expenditure over £25,000 since the Trust was formed (1 October 2013) is shown below. All documents are in the Microsoft Excel format.




Please see the Trust expenditure archive page for information on the years 2021/22-2013/14.