Contact us

Trust staff lined in welcoming pose You can contact our main hospital sites by using the switchboard numbers below, find another contact in the general contact lists below or if you're looking for a specific service, you can find it in our  A-Z list of services.

Our Trust headquarters is located at University Hospital Lewisham.

Our address

University Hospital Lewisham
High Street
SE13 6LH

University Hospital Lewisham main switchboard: 020 8333 3000

Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Stadium Road
SE18 4QH

Queen Elizabeth Hospital main switchboard: 020 8836 6000

Contacts at Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Our address

Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Stadium Road
SE18 4QH

Contact the switchboard at Queen Elizabeth Hospital: 020 8836 6000


General contacts at Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Main Reception — for general and patient enquiries

  • Phone: 020 8836 4593 or 020 8836 4688

Outpatient appointments

Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) — for compliments, concerns or complaints 

Patient Transport Service

  • Phone: 020 3929 4088

Employment reference requests

Medical records


Freedom of Information

Media enquiries

Wards at Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Here you can find contact details for all of the wards at Queen Elizabeth Hospital.

Clinics at Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Please use our A-Z list of services  to find the clinic you need to contact.

Contacts at University Hospital Lewisham

Our address

University Hospital Lewisham
Lewisham High Street
SE13 6LH

Call the main switchboard at University Hospital Lewisham:
020 8333 3000

General contacts

Outpatient appointments

PALS — for compliments, concerns or complaints

Employment Reference Requests

Patient Transport Service

  • Phone: 020 3929 4088

Medical Records


Freedom of Information requests

Media Enquiries

Wards at University Hospital Lewisham

Here you can find contact details for all of the wards at University Hospital Lewisham.

Clinics and other services at University Hospital Lewisham

Use our  A-Z list of servicesto find the contact information for a clinic or other service.

Contact a community site in Lewisham

All of our community sites in Lewisham are listed below.

Please note: not all of our sites have reception areas, so we cannot offer a direct number at every location. If you need to call a specific site but cannot find the number below, please refer to your appointment letter.

Lewisham community sites

Downham Health and Leisure Centre

7-9 Moorside Road, Downham, BR1 5EP

020 3049 1800

Primary Care Centre Hawstead Road

Primary Care Centre, Hawstead Road, Catford, SE6 4JH

Honor Oak Health Centre 

20 Turnham Road, Honor Oak, SE4 2HH

020 3049 2300


32 Rushey Green, Catford, SE6 4JF

020 7138 1100

Jenner Health Centre

201-3 Stanstead Road, Forest Hill, SE23 1HU

Lee Health Centre

2 Handen Road, Lee, SE12 8NP

020 3049 2070

South Lewisham Health Centre

50 Conisborough Crescent, Bellingham, SE6 2SP

020 3049 2500

Sydenham Green Health Centre

26 Holmshaw Close, Sydenham, SE26 4TH

020 3049 2700

Waldron Health Centre

Amersham Vale, New Cross, SE14 6LD