Book a blood test
You can book your blood test online using Swiftqueue, or by phoning the call centre on 020 8333 3217. Our lines are open from 8am to 4pm, from Monday to Friday.
All patients attending for blood tests must bring the paper request form from their GP. We will not be able to take your blood without this.
Please note the we no longer accommodate any urgent walk in appointments and all appointments must be pre-booked.
Book your blood test here
We apologise for the inconvenience this situation has caused. Colleagues across south east London are working to resolve the remaining issues and bring back our capacity to carry out blood tests.
Blood tests for children aged under 10
Lewisham: If a child under 10 years old needs a blood test, this must be booked at South Lewisham Health Centre, which offers a specialised clinic for children. This is the only blood test centre in Lewisham that is able to take blood from children under the age of 10 years. Please check for the correct option when booking.
Children under 10 from Greenwich and Bexley can get bloods taken from specially trained staff at Queen Elizabeth Hospital or Queen Mary's Hospital in Sidcup.