Speech and Language Therapy at QEH
Our team of speech and language therapists (SALT) provide assessment, advice and care for patients who have problems with speech, language, communication or swallowing.
We offer a comprehensive range of inpatient services and work alongside doctors, nurses and other allied health professionals to provide high quality care.
The Acute Team are based on the first floor of the Inpatient Therapy Centre.
Contact Details
The Head of the Speech and Language Therapy is: Dharinee Hansjee
T: 0208 836 4682
Acute Team
T: 020 8836 4975 and 0208 836 5048
What conditions does the department treat?
Our Acute Team sees patients on our wards and supports those with the following:
- Acute, medical, respiratory and neurological conditions
- Associated difficulties as a result of trauma and orthopaedics, gastroenterology, oncology and adult mental illness
Our Stroke Team work with patients on our accredited Stroke Unit assessing them for communication and therapy purposes.
What services do we provide?
We assess, manage and treat disorders of speech, language, communication and swallowing in adults.
We also offer a videofluoroscopy clinic (x-ray showing the action of swallowing) on Tuesday mornings.
Who are the services for?
Our services are primarily for adults who are inpatients.
Recent Improvements
The SALT team have conducted pioneering work in the development of a risk feeding protocol. This protocol has been adapted nationally and internationally.
How can you get a referral?
Patients cannot self-refer. All referrals will come from staff at QEH or in the community, and your GP may refer you for videofluroscopy services to the relevant Community SALT teams.