Lewisham Surgical Centre

Lewisham Surgical Centre construction time lapse

Lewisham Surgical Centre (LSC) is under construction and set to bring down waiting times across south east London.

Set to open later this year, we at Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust will soon be delivering over 5,000 Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) procedures a year for all of south east London at the new Centre.

LSC will have at its heart two brand-new, modern operating theatres along with everything needed to deliver a high volume of procedures per day. All procedures will be day cases meaning that, if you are treated at the Centre, you'll be discharged on the same day as your operation.

This new centre is built and delivered by LGT in partnership with the South East London ICB (Integrated Care Board) and will make a huge difference in getting our local population seen and treated faster.

It’s also set to provide employment opportunities for local people for roles like anaesthetics, support staff and administration, as well as requiring the recruitment of over 30 new nurses.

ENT has one of the largest specialty waiting lists in the country – over 614,000 as of December 2024 according to NHS England data – so the centre is a sorely needed development in our local healthcare.

Lewisham Surgical Centre groundbreaking pictureWe look forward to updating this page with all the details you'll needs as patients when the Centre opens later in 2025.

(Pictured right: Mayor of Lewisham Brenda Dacres (third from left) joins our CEO Ben Travis (second from left) and colleagues from SISK to break the ground on Lewisham Surgical Centre last summer.)


Facts at a glance

Lewisham Surgical Centre:

  • Will cover over 860 square metres – that’s over two and a half full-sized basketball courts!
  • Sits on the foundations of the Victorian-era hospital that once stood here – it will use the same footings, low walls and undercroft.
  • Is the product of a £13.5 million investment into tackling the backlog in planned ENT care.