Social prescribing

Social prescribing aims to help you improve your health, wellbeing and social welfare by connecting you to community services run by local organisations. It takes into account all of the factors contributing to your health including social, mental, physical, financial, and environmental factors and aims to help you live as well as possible.

How can social prescribing help cancer patients?

Social prescribers (also known as link workers) will support you by:

  • Working with you to identify needs that are not being met
  • Working with you to identify things that are having a negative impact on your quality of life
  • Agreeing plans to provide you with direct practical support
  • Signposting or refering you to other professionals or services who are well placed to meet your needs.

They can support you to access:

  • Support networks
  • Practical support
  • Advice services
  • Emotional support within communities and the voluntary sector.


How can I access service providers?

Social prescribing service providers can be accessed through your Clinical Nurse Specialist or your GP. Please ask for further information and to get a referral. 


Social prescribers in Lewisham

Below are some of the social prescribing options available in Lewisham. Please ask your Clinical Nurse Specialist if you would like further information.

Advice/advocacy and finance

Healthy living



Mental Health




Additional resources and information