Community Child Health Medical Team

The Paediatric Medical Team is a team of doctors and clinical nurse specialists specialising in the assessment and management of children and young people with developmental disorders and disabilities and those who are at risk of abuse. We play an important role in assessing children who are looked after by the local authority or who are in the process of being adopted.

About us

We work with teams across the Trust as well as the local authority, public health services, GPs and the voluntary sector. 

We work closely with therapists, health visitors, school health services, children and adolescent mental heath services (CAMHS), social workers and schools. 

What we do

We assess and manage children and young people with developmental impairment/disorders, physical and/or learning disabilities, complex health needs (eg autism spectrum disorders, cerebral palsy, Down's syndrome) and sensory impairments. We also work with local authorities to provide medical advice for education, health and care (EHC) plans.

We work with Children's Social Care Safeguarding Service to assess children and young people who may have been abused or are considered to be at risk of abuse. We carry out statutory assessments of children who are in the care of the local authority, known as looked after children (LAC). 

How to refer

Children and young people can be referred by healthcare professionals using the Community Paediatric Neurodevelopmental Pathway. Please complete the referral form.

Please read the referral form carefully for information about referral criteria, exclusion criteria and referral guidance.  

If you are making a referral due to social communication difficulties/suspected autism spectrum disorder, please also complete the appropriate form:

Supporing information questionnaire (primary)

Supporing information questionnaire (secondary)

We do not accept referrals directly from parents or carers.