Facilities at Queen Elizabeth Hospital

There are a wide range of useful facilities at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, including places to eat and a shop.

Places to eat


Ground floor, near the west entrance

Open every day

  • 7am-8pm for staff and visitors
  • 10pm-2am for staff only

Costa Coffee

Located in the main reception.

Opening hours:

  • Monday to Thursday: 7.30am-8pm
  • Friday: 7.30am-6pm
  • Saturday and Sunday, 10am-6pm


WHSmith newsagents

Located in the main reception.

Opening hours:

  • Monday to Friday, 8.00am - 8.00pm
  • Saturday, 8.30am - 7.30pm
  • Sunday, 9:00am - 7.00pm

Cash machine

There is a cash machine next to WHSmith in main reception on the ground floor.


Our chaplaincy service provides support and guidance for patients, carers and visitors of all faith or none when they are most in need.

To contact the chaplaincy, please call 020 8333 3299. You are also welcome to visit the Prayer Room, which can be found on the ground floor, on the right of the corridor and to the left of the Main Entrance.

Patient Transport Services

The Trust provides a patient transport service for eligible patients who need assistance when travelling to and from the Hospital.

To contact Patient Transport Services please call 020 8836 4673.

Taxi phone

If you need to order a taxi, please use the taxi phone located in Main Reception, or speak to one of the receptionists.