Headteacher survey

Who we are

Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust School Health Service is a team made up of school nurses who are NMC-registered nurses or midwives who have undertaken, additional training and qualifications to become specialist community public health nurses (SCPHN - SN), registered nurses without additional school nursing qualifications, healthcare assistants and school health administrators. 

We work in three teams: the School Health Safeguarding Team, Universal School Health and Screening Team and CYP Health Weight Management team (HENRY Programme. We provide services to school age children, young people, and families in Lewisham.

What do we do?

Our School Health Service teams lead the delivery of the Healthy Child Programme; a framework for universal and targeted approaches to address children and young people’s health &and wellbeing. This includes coordinating and delivering public health interventions for school-aged children from 5-19 years old.

We can offer advice to children and young people, their families and school staff on a wide range of physical, emotional health and wellbeing topics. We can also signpost you to other services that may help. 

We support schools in delivering health education, health care plans for children with medical needs, and medical training for school staff for reception class or new puipls. We provide health education through assemblies, classroom sessions and coffee mornings. 

The team may also come into school for health assessments where there are concerns about a child's health and well-being. The team also delivers Children and Young People Healthy Weight Management Service.

Please tick the answer that described what you want and what you think or feel about the LGT School Health Service. The deadline to complete the survey is Wednesday 30 April 2025.


Your experience

Note: Questions marked by * are mandatory

For information about how we use your data, please refer to our website privacy policy.
