Ask questions

After each Trust Board Meeting members of the public are given an opportunity to raise questions related to the Trust Board agenda.

A list of past questions can be found on our: questions asked by the public page.


How to ask your question

To enable informed answers, questions should be submitted by email to: no later than 9am, one working day before the meeting. 

Questions from observers will be taken at the end of the meeting. 

The Trust will provide a response to questions submitted after this deadline, or at the meeting, within 20 working days of receipt.


Attending a board meeting

Patients, staff, carers, members of the public and stakeholders are welcome to observe the Trust Board meetings. Due to limited room capacity, Covid and health and safety requirements, observers are required to register in advance. To register please email: with your full name and email address. 

Please note registrations to attend will be taken up to 5pm on the day before the meeting. Any observers who do not register, or register after this deadline, will not be permitted to access the meeting.

Please also note that no recordings may be made of the meeting and no recordings may be disseminated without prior permission from the Trust Board.


Members of the public are reminded of the following important points

  • When asking a question - please introduce yourself and declare any formal affiliations
  • Questions relating to individual patient care or the performance of individual staff members will not be discussed at Board meetings
  • To enable as many attendees to ask a question or make a comment, each attendee is invited to make one comment or ask one question
  • If answers cannot be provided at the meeting, a full response will be given in writing/telephone within 20 working days
  • The Chair reserves the right not to respond to comments or questions which relate to issues which are the subject of current confidential discussions or legal action or any other matter at their discretion. The Chair will provide an explanation if such discussion cannot take place
  • The Chair reserves the right to decide that a comment or question requires a formal Trust response. In such cases the question will be acknowledged and responded to within the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act
  • The time available for comments or questions should not prejudice the proper and timely conduct of the Trust Board Meeting in Public
  • The Chair has discretion to edit questions and answers.