Parent survey

The School Health Service can offer advice to children and young people, their families and school staff on a wide range of physical, emotional health and wellbeing topics.

We can also signpost you to other services that may help. We support schools in delivering health education, health care plans for children with medical needs, and medical training for school staff.

We provide health education through assemblies, classroom sessions and coffee mornings. The team may also come into school for health assessments where there are concerns about a child's health and well-being.  The team also delivers Children and Young People Healthy Weight Management Service

Please think about the appointments you and your child and family have had with School Health Service.

Please rate each question tick that most closely matches your experience and feelings about the service you received from us.

Your experience with us

Note: Questions marked by * are mandatory

For information about how we use your data, please refer to our website privacy policy.

  Yes No Don't know
It was easy to talk to the people who have seen my child.
I feel that the people who have seen my child listened to me.
  Certainly true Partly true Not true Don’t know
I feel that the professionals who saw my child are working together to help with the problem(s).
My views and worries were taken seriously.