Help with travel costs
You can get financial help with the cost of travel to receive NHS treatment or NHS diagnostic tests if you are receiving certain qualifying state benefits.
For information on which benefits qualify, go to the health travel costs page on the NHS website. You can claim a refund within 3 months of your appointment for local bus travel or be given a mileage allowance if coming by car.
If you had to pay the ULEZ (Ultra Low Emission Zone) charge, you may be eligible to claim a reimbursement for your journeys to and from the hospital. You can complete a form which we then send to TFL who will give you a refund for your charges. You will find this further details as well as the form at the bottom of our How to Get Here page.
To claim your travel costs, please take your travel receipts, appointment letter or card, plus proof that you're receiving one of the qualifying benefits to:
University Hospital Lewisham
General Office, Ground Floor, Admin Zone. The entrance is on Lewisham High Street, to the left of the Ambulatory Care Centre.
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Cashier's Office, Main Entrance area, opposite Reception.