The Improvement Hub is a place where our colleagues, partners and other professionals can find information and resources about how we are improving at Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust.
Building improvement capability is about making sure everyone feels empowered to make change within their areas of work, and having the tools and knowledge available to do this.
We want to create the conditions for continuous quality improvement to flourish, by creating the capability and capacity to improve, celebrating success and creating sustainable change.
This brings together all of the Improvement workstreams at LGT. These are:
Improvement and Transformation (Including QI)
Research and Development (R&D)
Clinical Audit and Service Evaluation
Improving use of resources (IURP)
Patient Experience and Patient Safety
What kind of project do I have?
With the several improvement workstreams detailed above, it can be hard to determine what kind of improvement project you are working on, and therefore who is best placed to help you.
To assist those with active projects, the Improvement and Transformation team have created a 'decision tree' to help colleagues determine where their project fits in. See below:
Here you can find a wide range of resources that will help you at different stages of your improvement journey. These include national resources and well as tool templates and guides developed here at Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust.