About your surgery
When you arrive please report to the Riverside Building reception (found in the Orange Zone) unless you are given alternative instructions in your admission letter.
The receptionist will check and update all your details and direct you to the appropriate ward or department.
What you should bring
- Your letter of admissions
- Dressing gown and slippers
- Contact numbers for close relatives
- Personal toiletries
- Tissues
- A small amount of money for purchases from the hospital shops and trolleys and for Patientline (TV access, radio, telephone, answer phone service, information channel)
- The name, address and telephone number of your general practitioner (GP)
Please do NOT bring in valuables, jewellery or large sums of money. We cannot accept liability for the loss of items that are not handed in for safekeeping.
You will have access to a small locker for your personal possessions. Please remember that storage space is very limited. It would therefore be helpful if you did not bring with you any clothes that you will not need during your stay in hospital.
If you have been taking any tablets or medication before your admission to hospital, either prescribed by your GP or bought from a community pharmacy, please bring them with you. Show them to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse when they come to see you on the ward. It is vital that we know exactly what medicines you have been taking from day one of your admission to ensure you receive the safest and best treatment.
Your medication will be kept with you at all times during your hospital stay. Each bedside locker is equipped with a lockable section for safe storage of your medication, which may only be accessed by your nurse or pharmacist. If you move wards during your hospital stay your medication will be moved with you into your new bedside locker. On discharge from the hospital the pharmacy will assess which medicines can be safely returned to you, taking into consideration any changes made during your hospital stay.
Occasionally the medication you bring into hospital may no longer be suitable for you. With your permission this medication will be returned to the hospital pharmacy for safe destruction.
Mobile phones
Mobile phones can only be used in allocated areas. Please ask the Ward Manager for more information.
Going home
When you are discharged please ensure the following:
- That you have all your personal items and valuables
- Arrangements have been made for your journey home e.g. travel, clothes, house keys
- If arranging your own transport, please book for the morning if possible
- That you have any necessary medication
- That you have an outpatient appointment if necessary
- That you receive written and verbal instructions regarding your continuing care
- If necessary, that you have an appointment for removal of stitches.