We provide specialised cancer diagnosis, treatment and care to patients at University Hospital Lewisham and Queen Elizabeth Hospital.
Cancer services are provided by a multidisciplinary team and we work closely with other departments throughout the Trust to provide high quality care. We are part of the South East London Cancer Alliance and are linked to the Cancer Centres at Guy's, King's and St Thomas' Hospitals.
We are constantly reviewing and improving how we work to ensure that suspected cancers are investigated promptly and suitable treatment is offered as soon as possible. This includes giving patients access to clinical trials.
Your treatment may include surgery or chemotherapy which is administered at one of our hospitals. For patients requiring radiotherapy, specialist haematology treatment, or complex surgery, we will refer you to our specialist colleagues at the Cancer Centres at Guy’s and St Thomas’ or King’s College Hospital.
The South East London Cancer Alliance (SELCA), is one of 21 Cancer Alliances in England. SELCA works in a collaborative model to deliver high quality cancer services across community, primary, and secondary care in south east London. Its aim is to ensure that patients receive timely diagnosis, high quality treatment, excellent experience, and improved clinical and quality of life outcomes.
Cancer services provided
- Acute Oncology Services
- Breast
- Cancer of unknown primary
- Chemotherapy services
- Colorectal Services
- Skin
- Gynaecological
- Head and neck
- Haemato-oncology
- Lung
- Upper GI
- Urology
Before we can see you in cancer services, you will need a referral from your GP.
Your care
9 out of 10 patients who are referred by their GP for further tests do not have cancer. However, it is important we carry out assessments and tests as soon as possible, so that patients who do have cancer can be quickly diagnosed and start any required treatment.
You may be seen in one of our outpatient clinics:
- Macmillan Brook Unit, 1st Floor, Green Zone, Queen Elizabeth Hospital (download map)
- Suite 8, 1st Floor, Pink Zone, University Hospital Lewisham (download map).
Our clinics can be very busy and you may have to wait for your appointment. You may also need to have some tests on the day. We therefore recommend you allow the whole morning or afternoon for your appointment. You are welcome to bring a friend, relative or carer with you.
Your team
Your treatment will be planned by a multidisciplinary team made up of different health professionals who will work together to coordinate your care needs. The professionals who make up your team will depend upon your type of cancer and may include:
- A surgeon who has a special interest in your type of cancer
- A medical oncologist: a doctor who has special training in diagnosing and treating cancer with drugs including chemotherapy
- A clinical oncologist who treats cancer with radiotherapy and may also prescribe chemotherapy
- A haematologist who specialises in dianogising and treating blood disorders
- A clinical specialist nurse who will provide information and support.
Other healthcare specialists such as pharmacists, chemotherapy nurses or dietitians may also be involved in your care.
Living with and beyond cancer
We provide a programme of personalised care for patients. Find our more in the living with and beyond cancer section of our website.
Share your thoughts
Cancer Services at LGT are very keen to ensure patients voices are heard and to improve services where identified.
We have a colleague working with MacMillan Cancer Support on better understanding the needs of the population served by LGT who are living with cancer – everyone, but especially people from seldom heard groups and those from ethnic minority backgrounds.
A questionnaire has been developed and a variety activities are planned to try and capture people's thoughts on their cancer care, to then guide potential solutions and options that the Trust can explore to improve access to cancer information and support locally.
If you want to be involved or receive further details please contact:
T: 07557 862 867
National Cancer Patient Experience Survey
If you have had an inpatient stay for your cancer care, you will be offered the opportunity to complete the National Cancer Patient Experience Survey. This survey aims to understand experiences of cancer care across England. Cancer services use the survey results to make improvements based on what really matters to you.