
We provide neurology services at Lewisham Hospital, Queen Elizabeth Hospital and in the Lewisham Community.

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Neurology in Lewisham

We provide both general neurology and specialist clinics, as well as an inpatient ward referral service.

The neurology department has two part-time consultant neurologists, a clinical fellow, a Parkinson’s disease specialist nurse and a part-time multiple sclerosis specialist nurse. We offer consultant led general neurology clinics and a Parkinson’s disease centre of excellence.

Essential information


Clinics are provided in Suite 2, Suite 4 and Suite 9 at Lewisham Hospital.

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0203 192 6215

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What conditions does the department treat?

We offer diagnosis and treatment to patients with diseases of the nervous system, covering a wide range of conditions including migraine, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, neuropathy, dementia and several others.

Parkinson's disease clinic/one stop service

This clinic provides a comprehensive diagnostic, assessment and management service for patients with Parkinson's disease. Patients are assessed by a multidisciplinary team led by Professor K Ray Chaudhuri and Dr Mukhtar. Prof Chaudhuri is an international leader in the field of Parkinson's and movement disorders. Patients also have access to a Parkinson's disease nurse specialist and a comprehensive range of diagnostic investigations including inpatient assessment at King's College Hospital where required.

The clinic has links to services offered by the Lewisham branch of Parkinson's UK, of which Prof K Ray Chaudhuri is president.

Patients have access to all the latest therapies for Parkinson's including deep brain stimulation surgery, apomorphine infusion, and duodopa intestinal infusion and botulinum toxin. The clinic is part of several national and international clinical research studies and all patients are given an opportunity to enter research studies.

A special clinic is held on the fourth Tuesday of every month in conjunction with the care of the elderly team. Parkinson’s specialist nurse-led clinics are held on Monday and Thursday mornings.


Epilepsy and first seizure service

This clinic provides comprehensive epilepsy assessment and treatment for patients with suspected epilepsy or long-standing epilepsy. We carry out MRI brain imaging, and ECGs.

If you have had a collapse/blackout, please come along with someone who has witnessed the event if possible. If you are unable to do this, ask a witness to provide a written account to bring with you.




Neurology at Queen Mary's in Sidcup

The Neurology team from Queen Elizabeth Hospital run outpatient clinics on site at Queen Mary’s Hospital, Sidcup.


Neurology clinics are held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Clinics are normally held in Junction 7 of the main outpatients department at Queen Mary’s Hospital.

Contact details

Contact the Neurology Secretary on:

T:020 8302 2678 ext 4725

F: 0208 308 3285

How Can I refer to the service?

Referrals are made by GPs or other specialists, for example those in elderly and psychiatric care, form the Upton clinic or from CATS.