Lewisham Community Falls Service

We are a team of specialist occupational therapists, physiotherapists and therapy assistant practitioners working with people aged 65 or over, who have fallen or at risk of falls.

Our aim is to reduce your risk of falling so that you can keep active and independent.

Please note that we do not provide an urgent response.

If you have hurt yourself, can't recall falling, hit your head or you had any loss of consciousness, you should contact your GP or call 111 for urgent advice. If your fall may be linked to a medical condition, your GP can refer you to our falls clinic at University Hospital Lewisham.

Who we can support

Falls team image 1.png We see people ages 65 and over who live in the London Borough of Lewisham and/or have a Lewisham GP.

You may benefit from a referral to us if you have:

  • Had one or more falls
  • A fear of falling
  • Concerns about your strength and balance. 

Who can refer you, and how

Anyone can refer to our service and you are welcome to refer yourself.

Monday to Friday between 9am and 4pm you can: 

Before referring on behalf of someone else, you need to discuss it with them and have their permission.

Please note: if you are a GP or health care professional please complete and send this referral form: GP and health care professional referral form [docx] 55KB

How can we help

If we feel that you would benefit from an assessment, we may visit you at home or invite you to a clinic.

During the assessment we review the factors that can contribute to falls in older adults. This includes strength and balance, medication, vision, blood pressure, and any dizziness or vertigo.

With your permission our occupational therapists may also carry out a home hazard assessment to see if anything in your home environment may be putting you at higher risk of falls.

After the assessment, we develop a falls prevention plan designed to reduce your risk of falls.

This may include:

  • A home exercise programme to improve your strength and balance
  • Giving you mobility aids or suggesting minor adaptations such as grab rails to improve your safety and reduce your risk of falls
  • With your permission we can also refer you to other teams who can help you to manage your health needs, to help keep you independent and reduce your falls risks.

Exercise classes for older adults

We run ‘Stable and Steady’ exercise classes in community venues throughout Lewisham.

These are designed to improve your strength and balance and to reduce your risk of falls.

To attend these classes, you need to be able to stand up from a chair that doesn’t have arms and be able to walk 50 metres with or without a walking aid.

We do not provide transport to the classes.


Resources for class participants

Watch the video on YouTube.

Video demonstrating exercises completed in classes - only to be used by class participants or those that have been assessed and prescribed these exercises by Lewisham Community Falls Service

Watch the video on YouTube.

Some tips on reducing the risk of falls

  • Falls team image 2.png Stay active – it helps both physical and mental health 
  • Don’t sit for too long; get up and stretch every hour or so
  • Talk to your GP if you are falling due to dizziness or blackouts
  • Talk to your GP or practice nurse if you are worried about your bladder and bowels (frequency, urgency, incontinence)
  • Talk to your GP if you are worried about your memory or any confusion
  • Check your home for clutter, adequate lighting and trip hazards Get your eyes and ears tested regularly
  • Ask your community pharmacist to review your medications
  • Keep an eye on your feet, check your footwear and visit a chiropodist if needed
  • Drink plenty of fluids, eat a healthy diet and limit alcohol
  • Talk to your GP about your bone health, especially if you have osteoporosis, smoke or consume a high quantity of alcohol
  • Make a plan for how you will attract help if you do fall eg install Linkline, have a mobile phone handy.

Links to other useful services and information

We provide a wide range of services for older people, including outpatient services, inpatient services, and rehabilitation.

The Falls Clinic is a consultant led clinic which runs from University Hospital Lewisham. Referrals are made via your GP.

Our Adult Therapy Team are a specialist community team, consisting of Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists and Rehabilitation Assistants, supported by our administration staff:

If you need care as an adult, Lewisham Council can help you look at the available care and support options:


Some feedback from our service users

"The Stable and Steady classes I attended were absolutely brilliant. I cannot thank the team that run the classes enough. I felt so comfortable. It was like being part of a family. The warm welcome and sympathy shown by staff made all the difference and is so important when working with older people who are often lonely and isolated."

"The classes were very good. I was always frightened of falling and this changed my life. It improved my life a lot and I practice most days."

"Excellent. I enjoyed every moment."

"Very good service, very efficient. The exercises have really helped my balance."

"The service is excellent and has really helped with my confidence, walking and strength. The therapist was really supportive and helpful."

"I had several very bad falls last winter after which I was frightened to venture out of the house alone. I now feel much more confident and relaxed again. I love walking so THANK YOU Falls Service! The exercises were varied, fun and tailored to many individual needs within the group. Instructions were clear and concise and the demonstrations excellent. I thoroughly enjoyed the course and would recommend anyone with problems related to balance, strength and mobility to attend."

"The Stable and Steady classes I attended were absolutely brilliant.  I cannot thank the team that run the classes enough. I felt so comfortable. It was like being part of a family. The warm welcome and sympathy shown by staff made all the difference and is so important when working with older people who are often lonely and isolated.  We need more services like this. It is an example of how it can and should be done"