Birth Centre at University Hospital Lewisham
Our mother and baby-centred Birth Centre has continued to receive rave reviews since it opened in May 2010.
The Birth Centre at University Hospital Lewisham is staffed entirely by midwives and provides a relaxed home-like environment for people who have had a straightforward pregnancy and who don't have medical conditions that might affect the pregnanc or birth.
The five birthing rooms has the privacy of an en suite bathroom, and three of the rooms having their own fixed birthing pools. Each room has a double bed and flat screen TV, and natural birthing aids such as a birthing stool, a sling and a birthing ball.
Who can use the Birth Centre?
If you have had a straightforward pregnancy with no medical problems and/or no problems in a previous pregnancy or labour can use the Birth Centre.
We welcome women and birthing people from across Lewisham and the surrounding London boroughs, including Bexley, Bromley, Greenwich, Lambeth and Southwark. We are also very happy to care and support you if you live in other parts of London and Kent.
Where is the Birth Centre?
The Birth Centre is on the ground floor of the Women & Children’s Wing (Pink Zone) at University Hospital Lewisham, Lewisham High Street, London, SE13 6LH.
How do I book the Birth Centre?
If you would like to have your baby in the birth centre or would like more information you should discuss your intentions with your midwife.
How can you contact the Birth Centre?
You can call the Birth Centre on 020 3192 6863, or email .
What else do you need to know?
Options for coping with labour include a range of pain relief options such as use of a birthing pool, gas and air (Entonox) and pethidine. Epidurals for pain relief are not available in the Birth Centre.
A small percentage of people may experience difficulties during birth. If this happens, we will transfer you to the nearby labour ward to be cared for by a consultant. If your baby experiences any complications the neonatal team will also be available to help.
You are very welcome to take a tour of the Birth Centre, which can be arranged via your midwife or by emailing
If you have not already, you can refer yourself directly to our maternity services without having to speak to your GP. You can call our Maternity Helpline on 020 8836 4491.
If you have any non-urgent enquiries, why not ask Edie our E-Midwife: