
Women talking to nurse

Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust takes seriously its responsibilities to ensure that there are processes in place within the organisation to protect children and young people and adults at risk from abuse and harm.

The Trust has policies in place that offer all staff clear guidance on how to respond if they have concerns. All staff are expected to attend training commensurate with their role.

Through the Safeguarding Adult and Safeguarding Children’s Partnership Boards, we work closely with the main statutory agencies – local authorities, the police and other NHS organisations – to promote safer communities to prevent harm and abuse and also to deal with suspected or actual cases.

Children and Young People

Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust has a statutory duty to ensure that the service provided to children and young people is effective and safe. This means that we ensure that our staff are able to recognise potential abuse and know how to respond when this is suspected.

Abuse to children may be physical, emotional, sexual or neglect. To ensure that our work is effective, we liaise with partner agencies as directed through statutory guidance.


Please click the link below for our declaration of safeguarding children arrangements.

Safeguarding Children declaration (PDF 159KB)

Visit these websites for more information on the local Lewisham Safeguarding Children, Greenwich Safeguarding Children and Bexley Safeguarding Children boards.

If you have any queries on safeguarding arrangements for children or young people please email:

Adults at risk

We are working with other organisations in Lewisham, Greenwich and Bexley to ensure that vulnerable adults live a life free from fear, are treated with respect and are not forced to do anything against their will.

Abuse is the violation of an individual's human and civil rights by any other person or persons. Abuse may consist of single or repeated acts. Abuse can happen anywhere: in the vulnerable person's own home, out in the street, or in their care home or hospital.


Please click the link below for our declaration of safeguarding adults arrangments:

Adult Safeguarding declaration (pdf 89KB)


Visit these websites for more information on the local L ewisham Safeguarding Adults, Greenwich Safeguarding Adults and Bexley Safeguarding Adults boards.

If you have any queries or concerns regarding our safeguarding procedures or you wish to raise a concern involving a vulnerable adult that is using our services or known to our services then please contact email: