IURP: Improving the Use of Resources Programme

The Productivity and Efficiency team (PrET) supports the delivery of the Improving the Use of Resources Programme (IURP). As the name of the programme suggests, it isn’t just about reducing costs, but also about delivering more with the limited resources that we have as a Trust.

The Programme Managers in the team work collaboratively with divisions to analyse cost and performance data to generate ideas to turn into efficiency schemes.

These schemes are then managed by each divisional programme manager, who makes sure actions are being carried out and achieved to agreed timescale.

Improving how we use our resources as a Trust is integral to delivering high quality patient care in a cost-effective way. It plays a key part in the financial sustainability of the Trust.

In 23/24 the programme delivered approximately £35m in direct cost savings and through better allocation of resources, helping to deliver a balance financial position for the Trust for that financial year.