Anticoagulant Clinics
We run anticoagulant clinics at University Hospital Lewisham and Queen Elizabeth Hospital.
Our anticoagulant clinics are for patients who require special medication (anticoagulants) to reduce blood clotting.
Patients who have an appointment at the clinic will have their blood tested (via a finger prick) using a special Coagucheck device that provides immediate results.
Specialist software (‘RAID’, used at University Hospital Lewisham, or 'DAWN', used at Queen Elizabeth Hospital) is then used to determine the correct dose of anticoagulant medication that the patient requires.
This process is managed by a team of doctors, nurses and pharmacists, who are also on hand to provide any advice that patients may need.
The team have close links to the Community Anticogulation Service, and some patients may be able to visit a clinic closer to their home rather than coming to the hospital for all their appointments.
What services are provided at the Clinic?
- Initiation warfarin and related anticoagulants by a doctor, specialist nurse or pharmacist after initial counselling
- Dosing of warfarin and related anticoagulants by a Specialist Nurse or Pharmacist based on immediate testing of blood obtained by finger pricking
- Advice on all aspect of anticoagulation including change to other anticoagulants drugs if necessary
- Treatment of minor bleeding
- Cover (“bridging”) with low molecular weight heparins in preparation for any planned surgical procedures or in the case of significant under-dosage
- Annual review
- Telephone line for enquiries during working hours with answer phone facility
- Referral to Community Anticoagulant Services (4 visit pathway) for mobile Lewisham borough patients with atrial fibrillation and some other stable conditions
- Postal dosing service for housebound patients, whose blood is taken by a District Nurse.
What else do you need to know?
- Please bring your yellow Oral Anticoagulant Therapy record book with you to the appointment
- Due to space limitations, we would ask you to keep your appointment times. Please be advised that if you arrive too early for your appointment, you will not be seen until your assigned appointment time slot.
- Please inform the healthcare professional who sees you of any changes in your heath, diet or medications as part of your consultation
- If you are expecting to be notified of an appointment and do not receive it, please telephone us
Please click on the appropriate drop-downs below for information about locations, opening times, and how to get an appointment: