Referrals to Lewisham Hospital
Please select the type of referral you would like to make:
General outpatient referrals
The vast majority of outpatient appointments can be booked via the appointments department using the following methods:
- Online: NHS e-Referral
- Email:
- Fax: 020 8333 3491
Please note: The specialties below should be booked directly using the appropriate email or fax.
Specialty | Fax | Electronic |
24Hr Tape/OA Echo | 020 8333 3102 | N/A |
Acute Foot Service | 020 8333 3238 | N/A |
Anticoagulant | 020 8333 3063 | N/A |
Audiology (Over 60s) | 020 8333 3187 | N/A |
Diabetic Eye Screening | 020 7188 9540 | N/A |
Dietetics | 020 8333 3314 | |
Elderly Care (Stroke/TIA/Falls) | 020 8333 3381 | N/A |
Genitourinary Medicine | 020 3049 3516 | |
Haematology | 020 8333 3063 | N/A |
HIV (Alexis Clinic) | 020 8333 3381 | |
Midwifery | 020 8333 3074 | |
Physiotherapy | 020 8333 3089 | |
Sexual and Reproductive Health | 020 3049 3516 | |
X Ray (Urgent referrals only) | 020 8333 3049 | N/A |