Volunteers make Christmas magic for patients

We want to give a huge thank you to the many members of the community, local organisations and staff that helped bring a bit of festive cheer to young patients at University Hospital Lewisham during the Christmas period.
Lewisham Children’s A&E would like to thank Tyrone Roach and Gemma Bowers from the Regular Cleaning Company who organised decorations and a Christmas tree as well as all of the staff who came to help out with decorating the department.
More thanks are in order for Nigel Flanagan and Julie Demare and the wonderful team at the London Ambulance Service who collected, donated toys and also took the time out to deliver them to patients on Christmas Eve for all of our young patients who were in hospital over Christmas.
We had some lovely adolescent and arts and crafts that were kindly donated by Michael Smith from Kier Group plc. Christmas stockings, to hold all of the lovely toys we received, were donated by the Lapland Company.
Finally, the team would like to thank Claire Swan from The Gordon Arms in Chislehurst for their donations of craft items and for presents for adolescent patients.