“The Covid-19 vaccines are safe and have been widely tested.”

Sumita Regmi, Specialist Dementia Nurse at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Woolwich, has recorded a short film in Nepali on the Covid-19 vaccine, which you can see on NHS England’s website, along with other community language films from frontline NHS staff. Sumita said:
“I know that there is a lot of misinformation about the Covid-19 vaccines, and so it’s understandable that some people may have concerns. As NHS staff, it is so important that we let people know that the vaccines are safe and effective. The vaccines do not contain any animal products or egg and have been tested on tens of thousands of people from many backgrounds, including Black and Asian.
“I’m originally from Nepal and there is a large Nepalese community living in local borough like Greenwich, Bexley, Lewisham and Dartford, and so I was delighted to help when I saw the message from NHS England to record a short video in community languages. I had recently spoken to a couple of older Nepalese patients in the hospital who had concerns about the vaccine. After a chat, I’m delighted to say that they agreed that they would take up the opportunity to get it.”