Official launch of the South East London Integrated Care Board on 1 July | News

Official launch of the South East London Integrated Care Board on 1 July

On Friday 1 July 2022, the South East London Integrated Care Board (ICB) will be established. As a newly created statutory body, the ICB will now support and build upon existing health and care partnerships established by our Integrated Care System (ICS) - Our Healthier South East London.

The ICS was established in 2019 and continues as the partnership that brings together the full range of organisations responsible for publicly funded health and care services across our six boroughs. The ICB will oversee the work of the ICS NHS body and make decisions on allocating resources and planning services. The ICB will drive the four purposes of the ICS (to improve outcomes, tackle inequalities, enhance productivity and support social and economic development) through partnership, underpinned by principles of engagement, participation and delegation. Ultimately, the ICB engages, convenes, understands, delegates and enables improvement.

The ICB board will be meeting in public for the first time on Friday 1 July from 12.15pm at Coin Street Neighbourhood Centre (108 Stamford St, London SE1 9NH), and members of the public are invited to observe.

From 12.15pm, members of the public will be able to join a public open forum and the formal meeting starts at 1pm. The meeting will be an opportunity to hear from members of the board, learn more about the ICB and the broader ICS and ask questions.

Due to the capacity of the venue, the number of attendees will be limited. To attend the board and/or submit a question, please send an email to before 5pm on Monday 27 June, providing your full name and the name of organisation you represent, if any.

For further information visit the following page: NHS South East London Board meeting - 1 July 2022 - South East London CCG (

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