New maternity project by Healthwatch Greenwich
Healthwatch Greenwich are looking for co-researchers to help them find out more about asylum-seeking and migrant women/birthing people’s experience of maternity services.
This work has been funded by the South East London Local Maternity and Neonatal System, a partnership of maternity and neonatal service providers, commissioners, local authorities, and maternity voice partnerships working together to transform maternity services across south east London.
Healthwatch Greenwich is committed to using participatory and co-production methods and to bring people and communities into the research process as experts by experience. They will be recruiting a group of asylum seeking/recently migrated women/birthing people as partners and ‘co-researchers’ to support the design, delivery, and development of this project. This is a paid position, details of which can be found in this information sheet.
If you’re interested in learning more about this project, want to apply to become a co-researcher, or are a voluntary or community group working with these communities, please contact Jahan, Social Research Manager: