New interactive magic sensory table | News

New interactive magic sensory table

A new interactive projection machine that enhances the quality of care for our patients living with dementia has been donated to LGT.

The Mobii Interactive Sensory Table and Floor Projector provides sensory activities to our patients, encouraging social interaction, movement, mental stimulation, and overall emotional wellbeing. There are 150 different activities, ranging from painting flowers and walking through fish-filled water to playing games. The portable system can be taken wherever it is needed and can be projected on to bedside tables and floors.

The machine cost £8859.00 and was funded by the League of Friends at Queen Elizabeth Hospital through the Trust Charity.

Kate Hudson, Lead Dementia Nurse Specialist, explained: “We feel very lucky to have received the Mobii Magic Surface interactive table, it is a fantastic piece of equipment for our patients living with dementia. This is a really exciting addition to our care of the elderly wards at Queen Elizabeth Hospital. It is an engaging resource that allows patients to interact through touch, sound, and sight.

“Our patients love the quizzes, music, and fun activities, and one photograph or song can evoke a flood of beautiful memories, reducing their anxiety and improving their wellbeing. It's amazing to see how our patient’s faces have lit up and reacted to the new machine, so a special thanks to the League of Friends at Queen Elizabeth Hospital.”

Diane Hudson, League of Friends at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, said: “We are delighted to have been able to purchase such a wonderful piece of equipment to help enhance the lives of our dementia patients.”  

Margarita Vidiella, Head of Charity, added: "We are grateful to the League of Friends of Queen Elizabeth Hospital for all their support over the years. The Mobii Interactive Sensory Table and Floor Projector is another generous addition that is already making a huge difference to our patients at LGT."

The Mobi interactive sensory table won the National Dementia Care Outstanding Project Award in 2018 for the opportunities and benefits that it created for people at all stages of dementia. To find out more about the machine, please visit  OM Interactive | Interactive Sensory Projection Systems.

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