Have your say on the future of health and care services in Lewisham
Working together for a healthier Lewisham
Wednesday 17 October 2018 5.30 – 8.30p.m.
Deptford Lounge, London SE8 4RJ
Many people live with and die from conditions that could have been prevented by healthier lifestyles and earlier diagnosis of illnesses. The Lewisham Health and Care Partners* want to work with residents and community organisations to make Lewisham a place which promotes health and wellbeing.
As the demand for health and care services continues to grow, we need to change the way we work together, we want to make the best use of our combined resources so that we can meet all the challenges we face. We know that we have some excellent health and care services in Lewisham but we know we could do more to improve them.
We want to make it easier for people to access advice and services they need to maintain their own health and wellbeing and to manage their health and care more effectively. And we can only get our health and care system to work better with your help.
We need local people to work with us to design future services. We want to hear about your experiences and get your feedback about our ideas at an early stage, to shape what the future looks like.
This event will bring together local residents and staff working across health and care services to discuss how we can all work together for a healthier Lewisham and will include workshops about transformation and change plans which are being developed.
By working together, Lewisham Health and Care Partners want to better support people to maintain and improve their physical and mental wellbeing, to live independently and to have access to high quality care when needed.
*Lewisham Health and Care Partners is a partnership of the main health and care commissioners and providers in Lewisham. The partners include NHS Lewisham Commissioning Group, Lewisham Council, One Health Lewisham Ltd GP Federation, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust.