Lewisham Birth Centre closed temporarily due to flood

UPDATE 20 DECEMBER 2024: We are pleased to confirm that Lewisham Birth Centre is now open again. The below news story is unedited as a record of the closure.
Due to a flood, we have had to temporarily close the Lewisham Birth Centre to patients. Our Estates and Facilities team are working hard to resolve this as quickly as possible.
During this time, the Birth Centre team will continue to offer the same care and services but this will, instead, be provided on the Delivery Suite. Two rooms have been converted to a low-risk environment with birthing pools.
We understand that this may be very disappointing to hear and want to reassure you that the Greenwich Birth Centre remains open and we have made arrangements for any woman or birthing person wishing to access the Greenwich Birth Centre to be able to do so. In order to plan your labour and make the best possible arrangements for you, please contact the Birth Centre team using the telephone number that you have been given, as soon as you think you are either in labour or need advice.
Please also discuss your birth preferences with your community midwife, who can provide support and carry out any appropriate referrals.
We are continuing to provide a homebirth service. If you are interested in having a homebirth, please contact the Poppie homebirth team at lg.poppiehomebirthteam@nhs.net or speak to your community midwife about this option.
To speak to a member of the Lewisham Birth Centre team, they can be contacted on 020 3192 6863
If you would like to have a look around the Greenwich Birth Centre, please contact that team on 020 8836 4132
We are happy to answer any of the questions you may have and apologise for the inconvenience. We will update here and through our other channels when the Lewisham Birth Centre has been cleared as safe to reopen.