Keeping discharged patients warm
This wintry weather is the perfect reminder that our Trust Charity’s Winter Clothing Appeal is still accepting donations.
Kate Hudson Lead Dementia Nurse explains why this appeal is so important to our older patients: “We have now bought over 100 winter essentials including hoodies, jackets, joggers, gloves and hats with funds raised by our Winter Clothing Appeal. Offering warm clothing to our older patients who are travelling home by patient transport has never been more important than during this latest cold spell. Although we would routinely offer blankets, it is much cosier to have that added security of a hat, gloves and jacket on their journey too. It also reassuring for our patients and their relatives who might worry about them travelling in such extreme weather conditions. Many patients have commented on how nice it is to have a new warm jacket, so a big thank you to all who have already given so generously to our Winter Appeal.”
Here is the link to donate to the Trust Charity's Winter Clothing Appeal. Thank you for your support for this special appeal, which will help us to continue to keep our older patients wrapped up warm on their journey home.