Improved inpatient survey results
Results of the adult inpatient survey 2017 have recently been published and show that the Trust has made significant improvements since 2016. The majority (83%) of the questions show increased satisfaction rates, and we would like to express our thanks to all staff for working so hard to deliver improvements for patients.
The survey shows improvements across a wide range areas, and significant improvement in the following:
- Ensuring patients don’t have to wait too long to get a bed on a ward
- Listening to patients’ worries and fears
- Providing emotional support for patients
- Helping patients to wash and keep clean
- Helping patients understand what will happen next with their care
- Supporting patients to recover and manage their condition once they leave hospital.
There are still a few areas where we could do better, which we are working hard to address through our improvement plans. You can read the full survey on the CQC website.