Help shape how Greenwich’s health and care services recover | News

Help shape how Greenwich’s health and care services recover

Covid-19 has affected nearly every aspect of our daily lives. Never before have our health and care services faced such an overwhelming challenge, or had to respond or adapt so quickly. We are working together with commissioners and other health and care services through the Healthier Greenwich Alliance and have developed a draft recovery and reset plan which outlines how, over the next 18 months, we plan to work with local people to learn from Covid-19 and accelerate some of the positive changes put in place.

Please read through the executive summary of the draft plan and send your views on 4 key questions by completing the short survey. The partners are also keen for local residents to get involved in developing the details of the plan over the coming months.

If you would like more information you can read a more detailed summary of the draft plan. If you would like partners to host an online discussion about this or if you are part of a group who are meeting virtually and would find a discussion about this helpful please contact Russell Cartwright by email:

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