February’s Employee of the Month
Congratulations to Michael Wright, Head of Health, Safety and Risk, who has been chosen as our Employee of the Month for February 2021. Michael was nominated by Meredy Birdi, Clinical Team Lead for South East London Community Head and Neck Cancer Team (CHANT).
Meredy explained: “Michael responded quickly to my request for advice and guidance to make our workspace Covid-secure. Naturally, it was a very challenging time for the team, professionally and personally, given the high level of anxiety around navigating the global pandemic. From the moment Michael walked through the door he put staff at ease with his calm and reassuring manner. He encouraged each staff member to voice their concerns and he created an environment where people felt comfortable to do so.”
“He is clearly very knowledgeable and makes the time to explain things in a way that will resonate with others. He leaves no stone unturned and makes time to listen. I value his experience and wisdom enormously."
A surprised and delighted Michael said: “I would like to thank Meredy and all her team members for their generosity in nominating me for this award. After an exhausting year it goes a long way to raise my spirits and is much appreciated.”
Michael’s manager Kate Anderson, Director of Corporate Affairs, presented him with a certificate from the Trust.
Our Employee of the Month scheme runs throughout the year to celebrate the great work of our dedicated staff. All nominations are also put forward to be considered for our Annual Staff Awards.
Michael Wright, Head of Health, Safety and Risk with Kate Anderson, Director of Corporate Affairs