Ensuring #BetterBirths at Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust
Our award winning maternity services held an event this week for service users, staff, GPs, commissioners and partners to discuss the work that we are doing to provide the best care. Helen Knower, Director of Midwifery & Nursing, Women's Children and Sexual Health, said: “We have been working closely with our service users to continuously improve our services in partnership and in line with the Government’s five year national strategy, Better Births. We’re delighted that the Care Quality Commission rated our services on both sites as ‘Good’ last year and we are aiming for an overall rating of ‘Outstanding’.
“We’ve been doing really important work to ensure that women see the same midwife throughout their care, and there is lots of evidence that this improves results in a safer birth, as well as improving the patient experience. With partners, the new perinatal mental health service for Bexley and Greenwich was launched last week, and we already offer this service in Lewisham. We’re also doing really important work to meet best practice for infection control to protect our babies, and to reduce the need for babies to be treated in the neonatal unit – so they don’t get separated from their mothers.”