Come along to our 2024 Annual General Meeting | News

Come along to our 2024 Annual General Meeting

Our Trust's Annual General Meeting (AGM) is coming up next week on  Tuesday 17 September. Both colleagues and the general public alike are welcome to come along to this year's AGM hosted by our Trust's Executive Team. 

You will have the opportunity to:

  • Listen to a short presentation from our Executive Team who will be highlighting our Trust's progress and performance during 2023/24
  • Hear of the details of our current yearly plan and our look-ahead over the next three years
  • Take part in a Q&A session where your questions will be answered by our Trust Board. 

If you would like to learn more about our Trust in 2023/24 ahead of time, you can  download our Annual Report here.

This event will be hosted  from 4pm  in the  Lecture Theatre, Owen Centre, University Hospital Lewisham.


You are also welcome to join online via  this Microsoft Teams link.

We thank you for your time and look forward to seeing you at this year's AGM.

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