Celebrating our amazing Allied Health Professionals
Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) make up the third largest workforce within the NHS and this week, 14 October, we’re celebrating #AHPsDay.
Lucy Carter, Director of Professions, Allied Clinical Services Divison said: “Happy #AHPsDay to all our colleagues who fill these incredibly important roles. Thank you for everything that you do for our communities, especially at such a challenging time.
Angela Helleur, Chief Nurse added: "Every day your expertise makes a huge practical difference to the quality of life of so many people.”
There are 14 Allied Health Professions, seven of which are represented at our Trust:
Dietitians assess, diagnose and treat nutritional problems and work across multiple pathways supporting patients with a huge range of complex, clinical conditions such as: diabetes, food allergies, IBS, malnutrition, kidney failure, HIV, oncology, obesity and tube feeding.
Occupational therapists (OT’s) play a critical role in helping people of all ages overcome impairments (caused by illness, ageing or accident) so they can carry out everyday tasks. Through physical and cognitive rehabilitation OT’s facilitate recovery and help people overcome the barriers preventing them from doing important activities.
Operating Department Practitioners are a highly skilled and fundamental part of the Theatres Team’ who play a major role in each phase of a patients operation from anaesthetic to surgery and through to recovery. They also provide an invaluable link between the surgical team and other areas of the Trust.
Physiotherapists work to holistically promote, maintain and restore the health of children and adults affected by injury, illness or disability. They can also assist with prevention or lowering risk of future injuries. They work as part of a multidisciplinary team in a variety of areas including hospitals and the community. They also offer a staff physiotherapy service you can self-refer to.
We have a team of 30 Podiatrists working in our hospitals and in the community. Podiatrists diagnose and treat abnormal conditions of the feet and lower limbs to maintain the mobility of our local population and minimise their risk of lower limb amputation. They provide specialist services in musculoskeletal assessment, wound care and minor surgery.
Our large team of Radiographers use a wide range of skills and training to deliver a sensitive, patient-focused healthcare service in imaging and radiotherapy. They take images to diagnose injury or disease also care for, and treat, people with cancer. They use high-tech, expensive equipment and are an important part of our medical team.
Speech and language therapists provide treatment, support and care for children and adults who have difficulties with communication or with eating, drinking and swallowing. They work across our hospitals and community pathways as part of multiagency/multidisciplinary teams.
We also have other AHPs contributing to our workforce, including paramedics in our emergency departments.
We’ll be celebrating on twitter @LG_NHS, Instagram @lg_nhs and Facebook.com/LGTNHS so look out for our posts and follow #AHPsDay and #AHPDay.