All in a day’s work!  | News

All in a day’s work! 

The Security Team at Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust (LGT)  recently  played an unexpected role in helping a mother safely deliver her baby in the  car park at University Hospital Lewisham .

Patient Odia arrived at the hospital on 26 January 2025 at 9.30am in active labour. As she stepped out of the car with her partner Obi, she urgently called out that the baby was coming. Security Officer Ade Oloye, who was on patrol in the car park at the time, noticed the couple in distress. He quickly approached them and asked if they needed help.

Obi explained that his wife was in labour, and they needed to get to the Lewisham Birth Centre. Ade immediately called for backup from Security Site Supervisor Mohammed Elamine Chabat.  H owever,  Ade soon realised that  Odia  had no time to wait and was about to give birth in  car park .

Without further hesitation, Ade knew that he was going to have to step outside his usual duties and support the couple as they welcomed their new addition a little earlier than anticipated. Within minutes, Odia had  deliver ed a beautiful  baby  daughter, with the help of Obi and Ade. When  Mohammed arrived  just a few moments later he was surprised to find  baby Ocean  safely  in her father’s arms.

Ade contacted the Emergency Department to dispatch medical colleagues while Mohammed assessed the situation, ensuring both mother and baby were stable. Given the cold weather, the team provided blanket s  to keep the newborn  and her mother  warm and continued  reassuring  Odia, who later described the experience as one of the most incredible moments of her life. Both mother and baby were later taken inside the hospital for medical checks  before being able to go home together.

New mother Odia, said: “I gave birth on Sunday morning in the hospital car park. Since it was early, there were not many people around to help when we needed it. Luckily, Ade from the security team was on patrol at the time. He quickly noticed our situation and did not hesitate to assist us.

“Ade showed great care and compassion, which we appreciate, as we were in such a vulnerable position. I also want to thank the other security guards and NHS workers who rushed to provide additional support when Ade radioed for help. Brilliant service from everyone involved at LGT.”

Reflecting on his experience, LGT’s Security Officer Ade, explained: “Being part of this amazing birth story as a security officer was both intense and emotional. I felt an immense sense of pride in being able to help at such a crucial moment and play a role in the delivery of baby Ocean.

This was a reminder that security colleagues play a much broader role in ensuring the wellbeing of people; not just through protection, but also by offering care and compassion when it matters most.  It really is all in a day’s work for us.

Congratulations to Odia and Obi on the arrival of their beautiful baby. We wish them good health, endless love, and precious moments together.”

Mohammed LGT’s Security Officer, added: “Throughout the situation, we focused on keeping the mother calm, offering support, and even sharing a light-hearted moment, we told her that, in addition to being security officers, we were now midwives too.”

“The LGT Security Team is proud to have been part of such a special moment and remains committed to providing safety, support, and kindness in all situations to our patients .”

One month on, the family is doing really well and feel ready to share their amazing story of Ocean’s unusual arrival into the world. Luckily there aren’t many babies that end up being born in the hospital car park, and while Ade and the team are now prepared for anything, they are hoping it stays that way.

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